And a starry silence engulfs,
I try to run and escape en route,
But the more I try, the more lost I become.
Smile is not a facade and pain is not feign,
And my soul languishes in love,
I try to seek solace and calm,
But the more I try, the more ruffled I become.
Water seamlessly pours and brings mirth,
And I'm left in a cloud of steam,
I try to clear the mess and see,
But the more I try, the more shroud I become.
Days roll by and seasons change,
And I'm left alone to reflect,
I try to cry and break the spell,
But the more I try, the more staunch I become.
Smile is not a facade and pain is not feign,
And my soul languishes in love,
I try to seek solace and calm,
But the more I try, the more ruffled I become.
Water seamlessly pours and brings mirth,
And I'm left in a cloud of steam,
I try to clear the mess and see,
But the more I try, the more shroud I become.
Days roll by and seasons change,
And I'm left alone to reflect,
I try to cry and break the spell,
But the more I try, the more staunch I become.